Atlanta Mission

Helping TPH Alumni Opt-In to Communications

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When an alumni attends an event on campus, if they're interested, they can sign up on an iPad, their phone, or a laptop for alumni communication.

This article describes how to help TPH Alumni opt-in to communications. To learn how to create and send a monthly TPH Alumni email, click here.

1. Visit the TPH Alumni Communication Opt-In Form.

2.  Have the alum enter their First and Last Name.

3. Have the alum type in their Birthdate.

Birthdate format should be MM/DD/YYYY. Make sure the client puts the slashes between Month, Day, and Year.

4. Have the alum select what year they were at TPH.

5. Have the alum choose whether they want to receive email updates from The Potter's House.

6. If the alum does want to receive email updates, have them enter their email.

7. Have the alum choose whether they want to receive text updates from The Potter's House.

8. If the alum does want to receive email updates, have them enter their phone.

9. Have the alum click Submit.

The alum is now subscribed to emails and/or texts from The Potter's House.

Time to start furiously typing out those emails.

Next Article Create and Send a TPH Alumni Monthly Email
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