At times, urgent or emergent news may need to be shared with our employees. In moments like this, AM Content Managers can submit an AM Alert post to the Intranet.
This article describes how to submit an AM Alert to the Intranet. To learn how to submit a regular news post to the Intranet, click here.
1. Click Content Managers.
2. Click New.
3. Click News post.
4. Click Saved on this site.
5. Select the Alert Title template.
6. Click Create post.
7. Type the Title of the Alert over Add a title.
8. Search for and select yourself under Name or email address.
9. Update the Alert Subheadline and text of the alert.
10. Click Submit for Approval.
10. Type a quick message to the content moderation team to let them know why this is being posted.
11. Click Submit.
Your alert has been submitted to the Content Moderation team who will respond quickly during normal business hours M-F.
If you need something posted urgently outside of business hours, please call Bonnie Beauchamp.