Atlanta Mission

Buzzing Someone in through the Gate or Front Door

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When someone arrives at the Restoration House front door or the drive-up gate, we need to evaluate if they should be on campus, and if so, grant them access.

This article describes how to buzz someone in through the Restoration House Gate or the Front Door.

When Someone Calls on the Callbox

1. Press the green Video icon to answer the call.

2. Ask the individual who they're here to see to confirm they should be let in.

Make sure to verify you're not seeing anything concerning on the video like a weapon before you let them in.

3. If they should come in, press the Keypad icon.

4. Dial # 9.

5. Press the red Phone icon.

When Someone Doesn't Call on the Callbox

1. Press the Phone icon.

2. Select either Front Door or Vehicle Gate on the left depending on where the visitor is.

3. Select Video Call.

4. Ask the individual who they're here to see to confirm they should be let in.

Make sure to verify you're not seeing anything concerning on the video like a weapon before you let them in.

5. If they should come in, press the Keypad icon.

6. Dial # 9.

7. Press the red Phone icon.

All done!

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