Occasionally, an expense will need to be split across multiple departments or Events. e.g.Food is purchased for both My Sister's House and The Potter's House.
This article describes how to split an invoice expense between multiple departments and/or expense codes. To learn how to edit and submit your invoice, click here.
1. Click on Invoice or Invoices.
2. Click on the Invoice Name.
3. Select the line item you'd like to split between multiple Departments or Events.
4. Click Edit.
5. Pull out your calculator and divide the Total by the number of different departments or expense types you are splitting across.
If you are splitting the line item in 2, simply divide your Total dollar amount by 2.
6. Take the divided dollar amount and enter it under Unit Price.
7. Select the correct Expense Type.
8. Enter the Description.
9. Select the correct Department.
10. If you are on the Development team, select the correct Event.
11. Press Save.
Your remaining Invoice Amount to be coded shows in red on the middle far right of the screen.
12. To create the next line item, click Add Item.
13. Select the correct Expense Type.
14. Enter the Description.
15. Select the correct Department.
16. If you are on the Development team, select the correct Event.
17. Enter the correct amount for this line item.
If you need to continue to split the expense into multiple line items, click Add and repeat the above process until complete.
18. Press Save.
Your itemization is complete! Your Amount Remaining to be Itemized should be $0.00.