When a volunteer completes their Background Check, VHub updates the volunteer's Asana task to "Yes" for "πSubmitted Background Check?" and passes through a direct link to review the check.
This article will guide you through how to review the Background Check and make a determination as to next steps. To learn how to send them the Background Check email, click here.
From the Volunteer's Asana Task.
1. Scroll down to All activity.
2. Click on the Background Check Link.
3. Review the Background Check.
4. Return to Asana.
5. Scroll down to Subtasks.
6. Check off πReview Background Check.
Volunteer Passes Background Check
7. Click on the task and drag it to the correct VRM column.
8. Check off β If Passed, Move to Correct VRM Column.
Done! The VRM will take over from here.
Volunteer Fails Background Check
7. Follow up with the Volunteer about other opportunities.
8. Check off the task.