When the Volunteer Connection Manager (VCM) assigns an interested volunteer to the Volunteer Relationship Manager (VRM), the VRM needs to review the volunteer application and determine if the volunteer passes.
This article will guide you through how to review the Volunteer Application and make a determination as to next steps.
From the Volunteer's Asana Task.
1. Scroll down to All activity.
2. Click on the Application Link.
3. Scroll down to User Details.
4. Review all of the answers under User Details.
5. Return to Asana.
6. Scroll down to Subtasks.
7. Check off 👀Review Application.
Volunteer Passes
8. Select Yes for Volunteer Passes.
9. Scroll down to subtasks.
10. Check off Answer Field ➡️ Volunteer Passes?
Done! Next up, sending the Volunteer the Scheduling Email.
Volunteer Does Not Pass
8. Select No for Volunteer Passes.
9. Follow-up with the volunteer to recommend other opportunities.
10. Check off the subtask 📧Follow-up with Volunteer to recommend other opportunities.
11. Check off the overall task.
12. Check off ✔️Complete Overall Task.